Ok guys, I have a lot of news, so shut your traps and listen.
My sister, WillyWonkaNerds decided to make a claymation, I just looped it for her, but you should really check it out! Were thinking of doing a collaboration music video, but if it pulls through, It'll be a while.
Oh, by the way, I just bought flash, and it has to ship, so guess what? I did the voices for my first actual flash, called," The Tangerine Express" which will not have clay. It's about 3 minutes long.
I just bought play-doh to make my clock day submission....then I realized that today IS clockday! Boo-hoo. :(. I notice that every single submission in the portal has a great or awesome score...
Edit: I made a submission in 2 hours, and it has a 4.02!!!
My sister threw an unripe orange at me, and it gave m a nosebleed. I would have a picture of the bloody towel, but I don't know where it is. It actually didn't hurt much, and at least she didn't break my nose or anything.
Heres a few lines from the middle of the tangerine express:
Gangster: Hey, Buddy! Want a mentos?
Guy: wow! Yes, Thank you! *Starts licking mentos*
Gangster (Thinking): HAHAHA!! THAT FOOL!! HE DOESN'T REALIZE THAT'S NOT A MENTOS!!! IT'S A DRUG- oh wait a second I gave him the mentos- BUT THAT MEANS I'MEATING THE DRUG!!
Gangster: Blaargh. Bleh. I'm dead.
Guy: WOAH!! Oh my god....I better call someone...let me just finish this mentos!!
Narrarator: Meanwhile in gangsterville...
Yes, you guys are going to love it.
Oh, and heres a picture of all that sexy play-doh I got.