I would talk about election day but it's obvious Obama's going to win, but it was funny when the CNN guy was yelling at Joe The Plumber.
Woah, I can change my layout!!! NOW I CAN PUT MY FLASH OVER MY NEWS POST FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL!!! Not saying it was a bad idea, but I always have a hard time finding peoples news posts.
I joined Flash Hell, which is going to be renamed SWF Hell, and I hope it turns out good!
Oh, and I seriously think that i just quit spamming, I will stay in the spam group butt not spam in it, I'm working on my last FF flash (Well, a part for a collab) that will be shown and It's actually pretty epic.
All in all, I'll still review FF flashes, and I am still a spam group supporter, I just feel like moving on.
PruneClock's my neighbor =(
He yells at me every day.
He's really tall for a 15 year old, he's 6 foot 5.